Saturday, 17 May 2008

Lonely Planet

Someone said that the one who wrote the 2004 edition of Lonely Planet (LP) Colombia had never visited the country. Nevertheless, I bought that particular book and enjoyed it a lot. Without knowing this, I thought it was remarkably accurate and informative. If you want to read a shit-LP, buy South Africa 2006 edition instead. I have so far tried to use it for two things and here is how it went:
According to LP, there should be municipal buses for R80 and an airport shuttle for around R100 from Johannesburg airport to the centre. After running around like a chicken and argued with the most persistent taxi drivers and information ladies, I had to conclude that there were none. Apparently the only way to get from the airport is to stay at a mid-top range hotel that got its own shuttle service for their customers or have a friend here who can pick you up. Or a taxi for R300+ of course. Backpackers can normally organise a pick-up for lower price than flat rate taxis but for this, one has to call and organise with the hostel days in advance. And LP does of course not mention that.
After paying a horrendous amount for the taxi, I wanted to find the Mozambique consulate to apply for a visa. Fortunately, the LP map had the consulate marked with a little flag. I walked around on all the deserted streets in the area of the flag (the maps are not very detailed and have an arbitrary selection of roads in them so it took a while to be sure) but there was no consulate. After being extremely annoyed, I tried to find the exact address. This was written in the consular section in the back of the book and referred to Jeppe Street (no number!) which I later relocated on a map on a completely different page. Jeppe Street was more central and after having walked it up and down on both sides, the consulate was not there either. At least there was no visible sign from it. But it doesn’t matter as by that time, it would have been too late to apply for a same-day visa anyway.
I am thinking if maybe the consulate applies the same strategy as the Inland Revenue offices in England; remove all signs and make them impossible to find in order to not be bombed, or it is simply located somewhere else.
Fortunately it’s a library book so I have not paid for the junk. I am considering never returning it because this book does not deserve to be read by anyone. A good way to up the value of this issue could be to bleach all the ink in it, then it could at least be used for notes or drawings.
Todays task: Find the Mozambique consulate in Jo’burg and send me a Googlemap-link.

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