Mexico city is known as the largest hispanic metropolis and also often referred to in relation to crime and danger. Indeed, Mexico city is a large metropolis and with a population of 19 million in the metropolis area, it alone equals the combined population of Norway, Sweden and Finland.
That Mexico city should be dangerous is however somewhat exagerrated. In 2004, Mexico City had only 84 car thefts, 55 muggings and 4 express kidnappings per day. Considering a population of 19 million, one could remain in the city for 147 years and 5 months and it should still be more likely to not be a victim of any of the mentioned crimes.
One would be surprised how safe it feels to walk the streets and ride on the public transport systems. With normal precaucions one can also greatly reduce the risk for being a victim of pickpockets and petty crime.
Mexico City is a bustling creature that never sleeps and its citizens enjoy the the highest cost of living in the whole country. Here are ample choices for entertainment and endless number of food stalls, street vendors and music-makers. One could easily spend months exploring all its museums, plazas, murals, palaces, architecture and parks.
Here is a Mexico City experience in pictures:
The art centre contains Rivera's famous "The Man at the Crossroads", which was commissioned for the Rockefeller Center in New York. The Rockefellers did however not appreciate its anti-capitalist themes and had the original destroyed. Later Rivera re-created it here.