Time for departure to Mexico. I left the hotel in LA at 10 am on Thursday morning. The trip to Los Mochis lasted for over 30 hours and I only checked in to my Mexican Hotel at 5 pm on the Saturday. At least the bus had ample leg space and it was a super deluxe class compared to African buses. During the day it was very hot in the bus as the air conditioning didn’t quite keep up with the gazing sun and during the night it was very cold in the bus as the air conditioning was on full power at all time. I have seldom felt so fresh after a shower as I did when I arrived in Los Mochis. The bus from Los Angeles was also delayed so my two hour transit in Tijuana was reduced to a mere 15 minutes. I only saw the inside of the bus terminal and nothing of the drug dealing outside.
The funniest thing about the bus journey was their choice of films. On the Saturday morning we got to watch Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ in Latin/Aramaic with Spanish subtitles on all five bus monitors. I thought it was a bit brave as there were lots of small children on board and in Europe, parents would definitely be opposed to let the children watch over one hour of non-stop tasteless human torture. Even I felt disgusted at one point; that is a very sick movie I tell you.

Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ"
tasteless?! no. human "torture"?! yes. and you should've felt disgusted- that's what we deserved, but Jesus took it all for us. he suffered OUR pain and OUR death so we don't have to- we get heaven and we don't have to do a thing about it, Jesus did it all! so maybe do a little research about Christianity, read the Bible (book of Matthew would help) and watch the Passion of the Christ again, I guarantee you'll think differently, you won't find it as "sick".
ReplyDeleteI am not going to argue on this but I have read Matthew several times. It was not the first time I watched the Passion either. Im not going to do more research and I'm not going to change my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI can only say that there are Christians who are open and interpret the new testament in relation to the modern society and there are Christians who are stuck in some 2000 year old scripts without any sort of reference to the community of today. Noone has ever been able to win an argument against these people, and I am not going to try my luck.
So long suckers.
ugh! I haven't seen it and I don't wan't to! I'm sorry to the people that "like" this movie, but I am not the one for blood and gore!
ReplyDeletemodern society humans are d same as the people 2000 yrs ago. every one has a head, a face, and everything. the Bible speaks not only of 2000yrs ago, but even prophesied the future light years to come.
ReplyDeleteAs a Christian, an artist, and a minister, I think there is a difference between truly feeling the power of the story of what Christ did for us and being manipulated into feeling something. Isn't the story and the power of the truth enough for people to respond to without forcing them into a emotional reaction through an hour of violence? I know I am in the minority, but that's ok. I found Gibson's film offensive because it wasn't the truth that spoke loudest but the typical manufactured excess of Hollywood.
ReplyDeletefuck you
ReplyDeleteWhich of the five above comments did you refer to Mr or Ms Anonymous? Please elaborate a bit more or you may not be taken seriously.
ReplyDeleteThe film may seem sick but its the truth. That is just a small piece of what happened to my savior Jesus. He was tortured and beaten unmercifully. Christine- I don't know what kind of minister or what Bible you read exactly because that's what happened to him. He died for everyone and loves everyone no matter what you think of him. He died up there on that cross for us. All he asks is that you believe in him.
ReplyDeleteFor God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
If you have something to say back then e-mail me at ibridgebullpup@hotmail.com
i don't know near as much as some ppl do about all the religious views today, but this is something i do know. i am a sinner, someone who deserves to die for the things i've done. but a long time ago, my God, my savior and my love, died a horrific death. a death that i deserved many times over. he took my place so that i could take my new place in heaven with him. i don't tell ppl how they should believe i just believe in and am thankful for that passion that my God has for me. i don't know why he loves me, but he does. i think that Mel Gibson did a movie to portray Gods love the way he views it. he did a good job, but if you don't like it thats just fine, just be grateful that Christ rose up again.